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Lexin Li elected fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics

The UC Berkeley School of Public Health is pleased to announce that Lexin Li, PhD, professor of biostatistics, was elected in April 2021 as a fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, a professional organization dedicated to fostering the development and dissemination of the theory and applications of statistics and probability.

The institute commended Dr. Li for his “influential contributions to sufficient dimension reduction, tensor regression, and neuroimaging applications, and for outstanding service to the profession.”

Dr. Li received a BE in electrical engineering from Zhejiang University, China, and his PhD in statistics from the University of Minnesota. He joined Berkeley Public Health in 2014, where his current research interests include statistical methodology for high-dimensional complex data analysis and statistical neuroimaging analysis.

He was also elected as a member of the International Statistical Institute this year and as a fellow of the American Statistical Association in 2017, another prestigious honor in recognition of his “influential contributions to sufficient dimension reduction, tensor regression, and neuroimaging applications, and for outstanding service to the profession.”

Congratulations, Dr. Li!

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