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Yuning Xu, 24
  • MPH student, Environmental Health Sciences
  • Expected graduation: 2022
  • Hometown: Beijing, China
  • Preferred pronouns: she/her/hers

Where are you originally from and where will you be living this fall?

I’m from Beijing, China, and I’m planning to live near campus with two girls who are in the same program as me.

What is your focus in school?

My program is environmental health science, specializing in industrial hygiene. I chose this program because I’m interested in improving occupational/industrial health and safety.

Why did you choose Berkeley Public Health for your degree?

I think Berkeley Public Health has the top research faculty and brilliant resources!

What are you most excited to pursue this coming semester?

I really want to meet all my classmates and my advisor in person.

Will you be conducting research this academic year?

I’m planning to do some research related to the differences of occupational environmental health policies in various countries or regions.

How do you think UC Berkeley School of Public Health has set you up for success in your future career?

BPH has valuable resources and strong research teams, and the community is filled with helpful and nice people. In the past academic year, my advisor, professors, and classmates all helped me a lot during a difficult situation with the COVID-19 pandemic. I think this special experience will support me to be more prepared when launching my career and also help me to grow faster in the industry.