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Public Health Alumni Association

The UC Berkeley Public Health Alumni Association (PHAA) was established in 1953 to build and strengthen personal and professional relationships among public health alumni and students of the University of California, Berkeley.

The association is led by a volunteer board of directors, which consists of 20 elected alumni directors, four of whom are officers; one non-elective director appointed by the dean; the dean as an ex-officio board member; and three student representatives who are recruited in the fall. In addition to regularly scheduled board meetings which occur throughout the academic year, there are several standing committees such as professional development, events and networking, and scholarship and diversity.

Through the work of the board and its committees, the Public Health Alumni Association sponsors a series of programs and activities which benefit students and promote mutual help and communication leading to the improvement in professional work among public health alumni of the University of California, Berkeley, in concert with the mission of the School of Public Health.

PHAA Mission

Connecting UC Berkeley School of Public Health alumni and students to increase the advancement of public health practice, leadership, and health equity.

2023–2024 Goals

  • Professional development committee

    Advocate for a positive student and alumni experience by:

    • Presenting opportunities for continuous learning by bringing educational content to students and alumni
    • Supporting the strategic planning efforts at School with respect to curriculum design
    • Partnering with various School of Public Health groups
  • Events, networking, and resource mobilization committee

    Increase alumni engagement, interconnectedness, and student-alumni connectivity by:

    Organizing activities and events in support of student-alumni and alumni-alumni networking including, but not limited to:

    • Student-Alumni Coffee Chats
    • Networking events in the bay area and beyond
    • Events in partnership with Berkeley Public Health such as the fellowship reception, alumni reception during APHA, Career Café and Commencement.
  • Diversity and scholarship committee

    Support School efforts in promoting diversity and inclusion among the student body and faculty, and actively participate in advocating for a more equitable School by:

    • Offering representation in various student/faculty groups on campus
    • Fundraising to support diversity scholarships
    • Integrating an equity lens into all aspects of PHAA BOD efforts

2023–2024 Calendar of Events

Become a Board Member

To submit your application, complete the application form. Please submit the form along with a copy of your current c.v. or resume. Send the materials to the External Relations Office by email to

The application form and supporting materials are due March 1 before the summer you wish to begin serving the three-year term. All submissions will be reviewed by the board of directors, and applicants will be contacted with a decision.

Board Member Benefits & Responsibilities

A member of the Public Health Alumni Association (PHAA) board of directors is appointed based on demonstrated involvement, support, and commitment to the UC Berkeley School of Public Health, its alumni constituency, and the field of public health itself. In accepting a three-year appointment, an individual agrees to fulfill the requirements and meet the responsibilities associated with board membership.

  • Qualifications
    • Graduated from the UC Berkeley School of Public Health.
    • Demonstrated involvement, support, and commitment to the School of Public Health, its alumni, and the field of public health.
    • Represent one of the “domains,” or specialty areas, of public health.
    • Have the available time to sustain the commitment.
  • Responsibilities

    As a member of the board of directors, it is expected that each director be involved in the following ways:

    • Attend and participate in all regularly scheduled board meetings, held monthly, and an annual planning retreat.
    • Actively serve on at least one PHAA committee. Occasionally, these committee meetings are held in conjunction with the board meeting, but many are held at other times throughout the year.
    • Act as an advocate on behalf of the School of Public Health and the Public Health Alumni Association. This may involve talking with prospective students, meeting with other alumni,
    • Attending community events, participating in UC Berkeley events, and other outreach activities.
    • Assist the school in identifying, cultivating, and involving alumni in areas such as student recruitment, job placement, legislative advocacy, financial support, and more.
    • Recruit new members to the PHAA Board of Directors.
    • Become familiar with the programs and activities sponsored, organized, and coordinated by the School’s Office of External Relations and Development.
    • Accept leadership and participatory roles in School and PHAA programs and activities as needed, working closely with the alumni staff on behalf of school-wide and PHAA objectives.
    • Contribute an annual gift to the School of Public Health. All board members should contribute at a level appropriate to their capability.
  • Benefits

    As a member of the PHAA Board of Directors, you will receive tremendous personal and professional satisfaction. Benefits include:

    • Networking with other alumni
    • Affiliation with the School of Public Health
      • Access to faculty and students
      • Invitations to School-related activities/events
      • A means of maintaining professional competency
      • An opportunity to mentor young members of the field of public health
    • Recognition of service
      • At events
      • By certificate from the board president
    • Publicity
      • On the School’s website
    • The satisfaction of providing public service
    • The ability to perform as an ambassador for the School


  • Article I: Name

    This association shall be known as the University of California Public Health Alumni Association (PHAA).

  • Article II: Purpose

    Section 1. To build and strengthen personal and professional relationships among public health alumni and students of the University of California, Berkeley.

    Section 2. To promote mutual support and communication leading to the improvement in professional work among public health alumni of the University of California, Berkeley, in concert with the mission of the School of Public Health.

    Section 3. To support fundraising efforts in order to reach the mission and goals of the Public Health Alumni Association.

    The PHAA mission: Connecting UC Berkeley School of Public Health alumni and students to increase the advancement of public health practice, leadership, and health equity.

    Section 4. To advocate for BIPOC and those most impacted by structural racism, we will amplify existing efforts in anti-racism and racial justice action within the School of Public Health

  • Article III: Amendment

    The by-laws may be amended by a simple majority of the Board of Directors of this association.

  • Article IV: Dissolution

    Upon the winding up and dissolution of this association, after paying or adequately providing for debts and obligations, the remaining assets shall be distributed to the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health.

  • Article V: Membership

    Membership shall consist of all persons who have been granted a degree in public health at the University of California, Berkeley, and past and present members of the faculty of the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health.

  • Article VI: Officers and Directors

    Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of up to 22 members and 5 student representative members, who are in good standing in their communities:

    • (a.) The officers of the Association: (co)president(s), vice president, immediate past president, secretary, marketing chair.
    • (b.) The remaining board members appointed to serve as other directors,
    • (c.) One non-elective director appointed by the dean of the School of Public Health.

    Section 2. The dean of the School of Public Health shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors of the association and of any executive or similar committee empowered to act for the Board of Directors of the association.

    Section 3. Officers shall be appointed by the Board for a one-year term with the possibility of re-running and being re-elected.

    Section 4. The directors shall be appointed for three-year terms. No director shall serve more than two consecutive terms (6 years total, 3 years per term) unless the Nominating Committee is unable to find a replacement and the member is re-nominated. Terms will be staggered so that each year up to four directors are appointed. A slate of new directors will be developed annually by the nominating committee and presented to the Board for approval.

    Section 5. Any Board member may resign at any time by giving notice of resignation to the (co)president(s). Board members are encouraged to give a one-month courtesy notice when possible.

    Section 6. The Board will establish standards for director participation and criteria for nomination to directorship. A director who does not meet the standards for participation may be removed.

    Section 7. The Board of Directors may appoint up to five student representatives to serve with the Board of Directors. Generally student representatives to the Board will consist of up to two student representatives from the Master of Public Health Program, one student representative from a doctoral program, and one student from the undergraduate public health program of the University of California, Berkeley.

  • Article VII: Duties of Officers and Directors

    Section 1. All officers and directors shall begin their terms of office on July 1, following their appointment. All officers and directors shall abide by the Standards of Board of Directors of the PHAA as approved by the Board of Directors.

    Section 2. The duties of officers shall be such as are implied by their respective titles and such as are specified in these by-laws.

    Section 3. The (co)president(s) shall chair the Board of Directors and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

    Section 4. The immediate past president shall provide guidance to the (co)president(s) and executive committee during the first year of transition to the new Board (co)president(s).

    Section 5. The vice president shall oversee budget and expenditures and support the (co)president(s) when needed.

    Section 6. The Secretary shall keep minutes of the Board and supervise correspondence and meeting notices.

    Section 7. The Board of Directors shall fill vacancies in office or directorship and transact business of the association between Board meetings. The board may delegate authority to an executive committee of the (co)president(s), vice-president, the secretary-treasurer, and one other director appointed by the (co)president(s).

  • Article VIII: Committees

    Section 1. Committees shall be appointed by the (co)president(s), subject to approval by the Board of Directors.

    Section 2. Members of the Board of Directors are required to participate in at least one committee throughout their entire term and must participate in at least one initiative per year.

  • Article IX: Meetings

    Section 1. Membership Meetings

    Special meetings of this association may be called by the (co)president(s) provided that notice of the meeting shall be sent out fourteen (14) days before the date set for the meeting.

    Section 2. Board of Directors Meetings

    • (a.) The Board of Directors shall establish its schedule of meetings.
    • (b.) Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the (co)president(s), or upon written request of three members of the Board.
    • (c.) Members of the Board of Directors are required to attend at least 75% of all scheduled meetings for each year of their term of service.
  • Article X: Dues

    The annual dues, if any, for membership in this association shall be set by the Board of Directors.

  • Article XI: Voting

    Section 1. The voting body shall consist of members of the Board of Directors. Student representative members of the Board must abstain from voting.

    Section 2. All routine business will be conducted by the Board of Directors.

    Section 3. A simple majority shall constitute a quorum for Board of Directors meetings.

    Section 4. On occasion the Board of Directors may vote via email.

    Section 5. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed.

  • Article XII: Fiscal Year

    The fiscal year of this association shall be July 1 to June 30.

  • Article XIII: Regional Groups

    Regional groups may be formed, subject to approval of the Board of Directors.

  • Article XIV: Amendment

    The by-laws may be repealed or amended by a simple majority of the Board of Directors provided a copy of the proposed changes has been provided prior to the Board meeting.

  • Previous Amendments

    Previous Amendments approved by the Board of Directors:

    • May 20, 2012
    • April 26, 2015
    • September 14, 2015
    • September 21, 2020
    • November 16, 2020
    • November 14, 2022