News and Media from the UC Berkeley School of Public Health
News and Media
BPH In the Media

Len Syme, beloved UC Berkeley professor and ‘father of social epidemiology,’ dies at 92

Postcard from California: Chemical warning labels are everywhere – and they’re working
Features UC Berkeley School of Public Health research

Extreme heat linked to accelerated aging in older adults
Features Professor Rachel Morello-Frosch
The BPH Community
School Communications
Media Inquiries
For more information about a particular story or to get in touch with a faculty expert, please contact:
Elise Proulx
Director of Communications, Marketing and Events
(510) 643-4707
Sheila M. Kaplan
Writer, UC Berkeley School of Public Health
Media and Publications
Explore our multimedia projects focused on public health initiatives and policies, addressing both personal health and community well-being. Features include:
- The Other 80 Podcast
- Health and Wellness Publications
- 75th Anniversary Magazine