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Lecturer Charlotte Smith honored by American Water Works Association

Congratulations to Charlotte Smith, Berkeley Public Health continuing lecturer in Environmental Health Sciences, who has received the 2022 John. L. Leal Public Health Award from the American Water Works Association.

The award is presented annually for distinguished service to the water profession. John L. Leal was a physician and water treatment expert who is credited with the first use of chlorine to disinfect American water supply in the late 19th century.

Dr. Smith’s research is focused on the access to safe water as a human right. She is also a visiting professor at the Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara—Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO).

Dr. Smith’s nomination read, “Dr. Charlotte Smith has devoted her life and career to water quality and the protection of public health. Charlotte is tireless in her dedication toward ensuring water utilities always produce the best water possible. She also works passionately to pass on her experience, knowledge and skills to the next generation.”