Veronica Miller honored for work on liver disease
Veronica Miller, adjunct professor and director of the Forum for Collaborative Research at UC Berkeley School of Public Health, has received the 2024 Distinguished Advocacy Service Award from the American Association of Liver Diseases (AASLD).
The AASLD, based in Alexandria, Virginia, is the “leading organization of scientists and health care professionals committed to preventing and curing liver disease.” Their Distinguished Advocacy Service Award recognizes service provided to the liver disease community “over an extended period that raises awareness or garners public and federal legislative support and promotes liver health and quality patient care.”
Miller is an expert in regulatory science and has published well over 100 peer-reviewed papers on HIV treatment as well as regulatory strategies for HIV, liver disease, and other rare diseases.
The Forum for Collaborative Research, which Miller directs, is located in Washington, D.C., and is UC Berkeley School of Public Health’s hub for regulatory science. It’s a public/private partnership that has addressed cutting edge regulatory science and policy issues for over 20 years. This involves multidisciplinary teams in public health, medicine, biology, statistics, computer science, and data/regulatory science from academia, industry, governments, and communities.