UC Berkeley’s dedication to campus wellness goes gold
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UC Berkeley’s Exercise Is Medicine on Campus (EIM-OC) program has been honored for the second year in a row with a Gold level recognition award by the American College of Sports Medicine.
“EIM on Campus at Berkeley is a campuswide program that utilizes physical activity to promote optimal health and is integral in the prevention and treatment of many medical conditions,”
said Marlon Maus, DrPH, MD, adjunct professor at Berkeley Public Health and faculty sponsor of EIM-OC at UC Berkeley. “It provides students with the tools necessary to strengthen healthy physical activity habits that can last a lifetime. The Gold award from the American College of Sports Medicine recognizes that UC Berkeley is at the forefront of universities making physical activity and exercise part of daily campus culture. The collaboration between University Health Services, Recreational Sports, Berkeley Public Health, and the PE program has been very successful in developing and growing the program.”
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) co-launched Exercise is Medicine (EIM) in 2007 with the American Medical Association as a global health initiative with the goal of making physical activity assessment and promotion a standard in clinical care, connecting health care with physical activity resources for people of all abilities. It calls upon universities and colleges to promote physical activity as a vital sign of health and encourages faculty, staff and students to work together to improve the health and well-being of the campus community.
UC Berkeley was one of 156 universities and colleges around the world to be honored this year for efforts to create a culture of wellness on campus. Seventy-three received the Gold designation.
“We are thrilled to recognize these campuses’ commitment to make movement a part of daily campus culture and give students the tools to cultivate physical activity habits that will benefit them throughout their lives,” said Robyn Stuhr, Vice President of Exercise is Medicine. “These campus programs are nurturing future leaders who will advance a key tenet of Exercise is Medicine: making physical activity assessment and promotion a standard in health care.”