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Corinne ​Riddell, PhD, MSc

Associate Adjunct Professor, Biostatistics
Corinne Riddell is an associate adjunct professor of Biostatistics who uses epidemiologic methods and data visualization to examine racial inequalities in health.
Phone: (510) 642-4618
Available for Advising
Address: 2121 Berkeley Way #5404
Berkeley, CA 94720


Dr. Corinne Riddell, PhD MSc, is a social and perinatal epidemiologist, and an associate adjunct professor of Biostatistics at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health. She examines racial inequalities in health between Black and White Americans, to understand why some states have fared better at reducing inequalities than other states. In particular, she is interested in infant mortality and injuries (homicides, suicides, and overdoses) as contributors to very early deaths. Dr. Riddell uses interactive data visualization to explore these topics, as well as sophisticated surveillance and causal methodologies. In Fall 2018, she headed the evolution of PH142 (Introduction to Biostatistics in Public Health), to incorporate R for data science, and introduce students to data manipulation and visualization as part of their public health education.

Research Interests

  • Racial and ethnic health inequalities
  • Social epidemiology
  • Perinatal epidemiology
  • Data visualization
  • Health variation across US states


  • PhD – Epidemiology
    McGill University, 2016
  • MSc – Statistics
    University of British Columbia, 2011
  • BMath – Statistics
    University of Waterloo, 2009
  • BBA – Wilfrid Laurier University, 2009


Courses Taught

    • PH142
    • Intro to Probability and Statistics in Biology and Public Health
    • PH290
    • Seminar for MPH Students