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Jason ​Corburn, PhD, MCP

Professor, Public Health/City and Regional Planning
  • Director, Institute of Urban and Regional Development
  • Co-Director, Joint MPH-MCP degree program
  • Director, Center for Global Healthy Cities

Jason Corburn is a Professor in the Department of City and Regional Planning and the School of Public Health. He Directs the Institute of Urban & Regional Development and co-directs the Joint Master of City Planning and Master of Public Health degree program.


Jason Corburn is a Professor in the Department of City and Regional Planning and School of Public Health. He directs the Institute of Urban and Regional Development and the Center for Global Healthy Cities at UC Berkeley. He also co-directs the joint Master of City Planning (MCP) and Master of Public Health (MPH) degree program at UC Berkeley. His research, practice, and teaching focus on urban health in the US and globally. He leads action-research projects that explore the links between environmental health and social justice in cities, notions of expertise in science-based policy-making, and the role of local knowledge in promoting greater urban health equity. Professor Corburn’s research and practice addresses racial/ethnic disparities in health, citizen-science, community health & healing, urban gun violence, climate justice, health-in-all policies, and informal settlements and health equity.

Research Interests

  • Urban Climate Change & Health Equity
  • Environmental Health and Justice
  • Urban Health
  • Urban Planning, Design & Health
  • Urban Gun Violence
  • Health in All Policies
  • Racial and Ethnic Inequities in Health
  • Global Urban Health


  • PhD & MCP – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Post-Doc – Epidemiology
    Columbia University
  • BA – Brandeis University


Courses Taught

    • PH233 / CYPLAN256
    • Healthy Cities
    • PH150E / CP117AC
    • Urban & Community Health
    • CYPLAN 251
    • Environmental Policy and Regulation
    • PB HLTH 267
    • Health Impact Assessment: Nairobi Studio

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