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Accessibility Guide

About this page

This site serves as a centralized resource for students, staff, faculty, and campus partners on guidelines, training, processes for BPH accessibility accommodations, along with campus wide materials and resources.

Accessibility accommodations must be provided when a person with disability requests them.

Must-Have Accommodations

Accommodation Request Language in communication/marketing materials. See the Event Planning section for template.

The building code requires that conference rooms seating seven or more people have the capacity to support Assisted Listening Devices (ALDs).

At large events such as commencement, ASL, and CART should be provided. See the Communication Accommodations section.

All web content posted on websites must meet certain legal standards. See the Digital Accessibility Section.

All Berkeley content on third-party platforms (i.e., YouTube video or Apple podcasts) must be captioned, and audio-only content must include transcripts. Audio description should be included for video content if appropriate or requested. See the Transcription and Captioning section.

Event Planning

  • Accommodation Request Language Template

    “If you require an accommodation for effective communication (ASL interpreting/CART captioning, alternative media formats, etc.) or information about campus mobility access features in order to fully participate in this event, please contact [name of accessibility coordinator] at [contact information: phone number and email] with as much advance notice as possible and at least (suggest 7–10) days in advance of the event.”

  • Access Coordinators (AC)

    In order to make sure that all access requests are addressed in a timely manner and that those requests are met to the best of our ability, one person should be designated the Access Coordinator for every event.

    Characteristics of an Effective Access Coordinator (AC):

    • The AC needs access to the complete set of event details and logistics.
    • The AC ensures accommodation language is present and materials are accessible.
    • The AC must have the capacity to receive requests and respond promptly.
    • The AC must have authority to modify the language on promotional materials and advertisements.
    • The AC needs reasonable authority to approve an accommodation if it leads to an additional expense for the event.

    As the host/event planner it is important to make a good-faith effort and if the host/event planner cannot secure said accommodations it should be well documented and should ask the person if there is anything else the host/event planner can provide to assist them instead.

    If a participant requests something the host/event planner is unable to provide an accommodation, contact Disability Accessibility and Compliance (DAC) Office for consultation.

    Access Coordinator NameEmailWhen to List
    Alicia Slateraliciaslater@berkeley.eduDean's Office-sponsored events/activities + NSO, Spring Visit Day, Commencement, & monthly Student Assemblies
    Patricia Cruz and Lauren Magsanay and lrcastro@berkeley.eduUndergraduate student-focused events/activities
    Caitlin Greencaicgreen@berkeley.edRISE-sponsored events/activities
    Che Abramche.l.abram@berkeley.eduDREAM-sponsored events/activities
    Fred Smithfrederick.smith@berkeley.eduStudent Services-sponsored events/activities (aside from the above)
    Lauren Goldsteinlhg@berkeley.eduResearch Brown Bags
    Alicia Slater or Kristine or kdoss@berkeley.eduSAC Events/Community-building events/activities
    Kevin Guzmankjguzman@berkeley.eduDrPH, Interdisc MPH, & JMP-sponsored events/activities
    Stephanie Nguyennguyens@berkeley.eduOOMPH-sponsored online events/activities
    Joonie Kimjoonie@berkeley.eduHPM-sponsored events/activities
    Jordan Elmowitzjelmowitz@berkeley.eduBiostatistics-sponsored events/activities
    Claire Triasctrias@berkeley.eduEpidemiology-sponsored events/activities
    Andrea Natividada.natividad@berkeley.eduEHS-sponsored events/activities
    Yasmin Woffordywofford@berkeley.eduCHS-sponsored events/activities
    Teresa Liuchoihung433@berkeley.eduIDV-sponsored events/activities
    Lisa Petersonlisapeterson@berkeley.eduSafeTREC-sponsored events/activities
    Kim Dinhkdinh@berkeley.eduFaculty recruitment "job talks"

    If you are unsure, need to update, or change BPH Accessibility Coordinator, please contact Seana Van Buren at

  • Remote/In Person Gatherings

    Before Meeting/Event/Gathering

    • Ask whether your speakers or attendees need accessibility accommodations, see Accommodation Requests Language Template Section
    • If accommodation is requested, see relevant section in the guide for requesting process.
    • Share materials in advance to aid participants’ comprehension of the material – and make sure they’re in an accessible format (see Written Material Section for guidelines)
    • Hardware and software are essential for remote meeting attendees to participate. This might require you to bring equipment into a conference or meeting room to support a hybrid meeting such as a laptop. When possible, consider scheduling into rooms that have:
      • Large screen(s)
      • Microphone(s)
      • Camera(s)
      • Conference phone
      • Specialized hybrid communications equipment such as meeting owls

    Zoom Closed Captioning

    • Navigate to > Sign in with CalNet credentials > Go to your account settings > Select the fourth option, In Meeting (Advanced) > The toggle should be turned on, with the slider to the right > Checkbox should be enabled for Live Captioning

    Zoom Live Transcription

    • The meeting host can then enable the Live Transcript feature by clicking the CC button, and then selecting Enable Auto-Transcription. Once enabled, meeting participants will be able to view transcription in-meeting

    During Meeting/Event/Gathering

    • Set up proper expectations for what will happen during the meeting
    • Do not identify those who require accommodations publicly – private chat if needed, or better yet, practice before the meeting starts
    • Speak slowly and clearly – this helps everyone!
    • Describe what is on the screen – screen readers cannot read video presentations, whiteboarding, or screen shares, so make sure to call out important points and describe images, charts, etc.

    A note about privacy

    • Be transparent about what you’re doing!
    • California is a “two party” or “all party” consent state for recording
    • Zoom automatically notifies attendees present at the start of a meeting when it is being recorded
    • Meeting hosts should also verbally inform attendees. Offer attendees the opportunity to opt out of the meeting or mute their audio and disable video if they object to their image or voice being recorded
    • Pause the recording if there are topics that should not be recorded
    • Recordings may be subject to disclosure upon request under the California Public Records Act

    Learn more about zoom meeting privacy guidelines from UC Berkeley’s Office of Ethics, Risk and Compliance Services.

    For more information, trainings, and resources on accessibility and inclusive Remote meetings, visit:

    For more resources on which option is best for your event, please see Hybrid and Fully Remote Meetings document created by the UC Berkeley Information Technology Office.

    For more information, resources and trainings on accessible in person events, visit

Video Transcription and Captioning

Communication Accommodations (ASL & VRIS, CART & Captioning, ALDs)

  • Definitions

    Captioning: spoken language translated into written form and embedded into the video to capture spoken content.

    CART (Communication Access Realtime Translation): live spoken language, translated into written form in real-time and made available to those viewing the event (projected or personal screen).

    ASL (American Sign Language): a language spoken with hands and face used by some Deaf and Hard of Hearing (HOH) people, it can be provided in real-time, or video of it can be ‘burned’ into video capturing spoken language.

    VRIS: ASL provided by an interpreter who is visible to the consumer by video.

    Audio Description: Spoken language added to a pre-recorded video to explain what is happening on screen to Blind and Visually Impaired people, inserted when there is no spoken language occurring in the recorded content.

  • ASL/CART Accommodations Process

    If, prior to the event, a participant requests ASL/CART services for either an in person or zoom event, campus will coordinate and pay for with advance notice of 3–5 business days for events to ensure a caption Writer or ASL interpreter is available.

    If requested by a participant, Event Planner must complete a request form for captioning/ASL through Berkeley Disability Access & Compliance Office.

    If this option is not available, please consult your BPH accessibility coordinator.

    For more information and trainings visit,

  • Types of Auxiliary Aids/ Assisted Listening Devices (ALDs)
    • LKS-2 Listen System enhances sound and intelligibility in large rooms through a two-way communications system. Up to 8 Deaf or Hard of Hearing participants wear a wireless earpiece provided by the venue that receives and transmits sound from a compatible transceiver.
    • Enersound FM is a multi-channel Assistive Listening Device that enhances sound and intelligibility of speakers in large lecture halls, auditoriums, etc. through an FM Language Interpretation System. With this system, up to 4 Deaf or Hard of Hearing users wear a wireless earpiece provided by the venue that receives sound from a compatible microphone.
    • Listen Tech Infrared transmits sound over infrared directly to a listener without amplifying ambient noise for heightened speech intelligibility.
    • Sweetwater Electromag sends audio direct to headphones, a hearing aid, or a cochlear implant.
    • Samson Meteorite is a microphone that connects to a laptop device and pulls sound in better for Deaf/HOH people attending events via Zoom, or for captioning providers serving them via real time remote captions.
  • Requesting ALDs

    To request auxiliary aids through BPH reach out to Paul McCue, BPH Facilities Specialist, at or through Berkeley Disability Access and Compilance’s “Lending Library Google Form Request”.

  • California Relay Services
    • California Relay Services 711 is a service provided by the government for Deaf and hard of hearing people.
    • It allows Deaf/HOH people to send their telephone calls via a videophone or teletypewriter to a call center staffed by ASL interpreters.
    • If applicable, it should be included on business cards, letterhead, and other materials that contain contact information for you and/or your organization.
    • Most units/departments do not have TTYs and instead rely on email, text messaging and CA Relay 711.

    Make and/or receiving Relay Service Calls:

    • Making the call: Confirm the correct phone number, dial 711, give the operator the phone number.
    • Receiving the call: A relay operator will call and ask if this is the first time you are receiving a Relay call. This is the time to ask questions about how to proceed and respond to the caller.
    • Once connected, speak slowly
    • Speak directly to the caller, not the operator

    For more information and training on visit:

Publications, Written Materials, and Digital Accessibility

Materials must be screen reader accessible and include best practices in portraying disabled people in those materials.

Click through relevant sections on creating accessible document guidelines.

Information Technology (IT) and Website Accessibility


Physical Building

  • Berkeley Way West (BWW) Accessible Facilities
    • Classrooms are located on the 1st floor
    • All floor bathrooms are ADA compliant
    • Gender neutral bathrooms located on the 1st floor
    • Elevators have braille and audio CFOP
    • Lactation room is located on the 5th floor for BPH affiliated people – see 5th floor front desk for access code.
    • Leveled entrance is located on Shattuck and Berkeley Way entrance.
    • ADA push bar doors at both entrances
    • Ramp inside first floor on Shattuck entrance
    • Bike room access through Hearst Ave with card access.
    • Room 1215 on first floor has ADA push bar
    • No accessible parking, but there is an accessible drop off zone at the Berkeley Way entrance. For accessible parking, see parking section in the relevant campus parking structure
  • Berkeley Way West (BWW) Elevator Voice Instructions

    The black buttons are in Braille and act the same as the buttons on the screen for visually impaired persons.

    To call the elevator for service for floors 2–5:

    1. Press the wheelchair button.
    2. A voice will state “security access required” there will be a pause and then “please enter your destination.”
    3. Use the numeric buttons to choose floor 2–5.
    4. A voice will direct the person to the proper elevator.

    To call the elevator for service for secured (locked) floors 6–8:

    1. Press the wheelchair button.
    2. A voice will state “security access required” there will be a pause and then “please enter your destination.”
    3. Use the numeric buttons to choose floor 6–8.
    4. A voice will state “This landing is secured. Security access is required.”
    5. The person will need to swipe their Cal Id or access card over the scanner.
    6. Re-enter the floor number on the numeric buttons to choose floor 6–8.
    7. A voice will direct the person to the proper elevator.

    Contact BPH Berkeley Way West building manager, Jeanette G. Thompson at for more specific accommodation and BWW space reporting.

  • Berkeley Way West (BWW) Disability Evacuation Procedures

    Before assisting an individual with disabilities, ask if assistance is needed and how best to assist.

    Designated Waiting Areas (DWAs)

    During an emergency evacuation, individuals requiring evacuation assistance should relocate to the Designated Waiting Area (DWA). DWA locations are shown on building evacuation floor plans posted near building elevators and most stairwells. Persons who cannot self-evacuate should follow the instructions on the DWA signage located at each DWA. The signage includes rescue information to report to first responders.

    If a DWA cannot be reached, individuals requiring evacuation assistance should find a room with an exterior window and call 911.

    Emergency Evacuation Chairs

    An emergency evacuation chair to assist in carrying a person requiring evacuation assistance up or down stairs is available in most buildings if multiple floors lack ground level access. They are often stored in marked grey cabinets. People who need mobility assistance may request a universal key to the cabinets. If a cabinet key is not available during emergency evacuation, the lock on the cabinet may be broken to access the evacuation chair inside.

    Emergency Evacuation Chair located on the 4th floor adjacent to Stairwell 2, required key is an FR205, and it is taped to the top of the cabinet.

    Instructions on how to use the emergency evacuation chair are posted on the inside of the cabinet door. Only in life threatening situations should occupants carry in an individual in an evacuation chair. At all other times only trained emergency responders should carry someone.

    For photographs demonstrating evacuation chairs visit DAC’s website on Evacuation Chairs.

    1. Open folded chair (like opening a folded lawn chair).
    2. Make sure that latches at the rear of the chair are secure.
    3. Secure passenger in chair with seat belt.
    4. If person with disability cannot control movement of limbs (e.g., arms, legs) then use straps to secure limbs to chair before moving person.
    5. When a person is being carried either up or down stairs, make sure the person being carried is always facing up (not down) the stairs.
    6. Once on the final level surface, set chair down and push chair out of building in a posture similar to pushing a wheelbarrow (the legs of the evacuation chair have wheels).
  • Golden Bear Center (GBC) Accessible Facilities
    • Located on 1995 University Ave
    • The only exit/entrance that has an ADA automatic button/bar is located at the University Avenue exit/entrance.
    • Ramp leading from the ground floor elevator lobby to the parking lot
    • Ramp leading from the 1st floor lobby to the surface parking lot
    • The automated external defibrillators (AED) is located on the 2nd floor across from the elevators mounted on the wall.
    • The evacuation chair location is TBD
  • Golden Bear Center (GBC) Disability Evacuation Procedures

    Before assisting an individual with disabilities, ask if assistance is needed and how best to assist.

    Designated Waiting Areas (DWAs) TBD

    During an emergency evacuation, individuals requiring evacuation assistance should relocate to the Designated Waiting Area (DWA). DWA locations are shown on building evacuation floor plans posted near building elevators and most stairwells. Persons who cannot self-evacuate should follow the instructions on the DWA signage located at each DWA. The signage includes rescue information to report to first responders.

    If a DWA cannot be reached, individuals requiring evacuation assistance should find a room with an exterior window and call 911.

    Emergency Evacuation Chairs (If Available)

    An emergency evacuation chair to assist in carrying a person requiring evacuation assistance up or down stairs is available in most buildings if multiple floors lack ground level access. They are often stored in marked gray cabinets. People who need mobility assistance may request a universal key to the cabinets. If a cabinet key is not available during emergency evacuation, the lock on the cabinet may be broken to access the evacuation chair inside.

    Instructions on how to use the emergency evacuation chair are posted on the inside of the cabinet door. Only in life threatening situations should occupants carry in an individual in an evacuation chair. At all other times only trained emergency responders should carry someone.

    Open folded chair (like opening a folded lawn chair).

    Make sure that latches at the rear of the chair are secure.

    Secure passenger in chair with seat belt.

    If person with disability cannot control movement of limbs (e.g., arms, legs) then use straps to secure limbs to chair before moving person.

    When a person is being carried either up or down stairs, make sure the person being carried is always facing up (not down) the stairs.

    Once on the final level surface, set chair down and push chair out of building in a posture similar to pushing a wheelbarrow (the legs of the evacuation chair have wheels).

    For additional support at Golden Bear on Emergency Evacuation Plans for People with disabilities, contact Facilities Manager Janis Honda at or call (510) 418-3691; or contact Facilities Specialist, Paul McCue at or call (415) 238-9253.

    For a video demonstration of instructions, visit Evacuation Chair Instructions on Youtube.

    For information on the full BPH Emergency Plan, visit BPH Emergency Preparedness.

  • Accessible Paths of Travel: Access Interruptions

    To report an inaccessible path of travel or building issue at Berkeley Way West, contact Jeanette Thompson at For Golden Bear Center, contact Janis Honda at or Paul McCue at

    • Create a procedure to ensure that there are accessible paths of travel and spaces available for disabled people when maintenance, repair or construction projects are happening in your office or building. The procedure should include at the minimum:
    • That a digital notification be sent to all employees if an elevator, entrance or bathroom will be unavailable due to construction or repair, and when the project will be done.
    • That temporary signage should be installed noting the elevator, entrance or bathroom is unavailable, and when the project will be done.
    • Who will be designated in the notification and on signage as the person to field questions from disabled people related to this (we recommend a DALT member if there is one in your office).
    • Managers and supervisors with disabled staff who they know rely on that specific elevator, entrance or bathroom to be in their work space should coordinate a work around with their staff as soon as they are aware of the project.

    It isn’t only those who use adaptive equipment like wheelchairs and walkers for whom such projects can create a barrier to work. Disabled people with certain conditions (such as Multiple Sclerosis or Cerebral Palsy) must know how much physical exertion will be required to get through their day in order to plan for the optimal execution of their daily tasks. A procedure like this helps them to do so.

    Contact Physical Access Compliance Manager, Ben Perez, with Berkeley Disability Access and compliance at for physical space reporting.

  • Parking

    Blue spaces are reserved for persons with disabilities with a permit and disability placard/license plate. Non-compliance with this provision will result in a parking citation. Most, but not all, of these spaces meet access codes requirements. For example, due to the hilly terrain on which the campus sits, not all “blue” parking spaces are sufficiently level (or wide) to meet the needs of all persons with disabilities.

    Faculty, Staff, and students may obtain parking permits on the Parking & Transportation Permit Portal.

    Berkeley Way West accessible parking spaces can be found:

    • Berkeley Way and Oxford St
    • Oxford Research Lot (Oxford St)
    • Oxford Hearst Parking Lot (Oxford St and Hearst St)
    • University Hall Parking Lot (Addison St and between Shattuck and Oxford)
    • University Hall West Lot (Addison St and between Shattuck and Oxford)
    • BAMPFA Parking Lot (Addison St and between Shattuck and Oxford)
    • Golden Bear Accessible Parking Spaces can be found:
    • UNEX Parking Lot (Milvia and Berkeley Way St)

    For campus parking map and list of accessible parking, visit:

  • Transportation

    Loop Shuttle Services

    The Loop is a golf cart that provides intra-campus rides for eligible faculty, staff, and students with disabilities on a first-come, first-served basis. This service was created to assist students with mobility disabilities (including temporary disability as a result of injury) and visual impairments, during the fall and spring semesters, and during class time. It has since extended to serve disabled staff and visitors, and to run during additional hours and times of the year (e.g., Golden Bear Orientation Week and summer sessions). The Loop only operates on the core campus.

    To make a request, complete the Loop Request Form on Berkeley Disability Access and Compliance site.

    For more information, visit:

    BearTransit Shuttle

    UC Berkeley Parking & Transportation offers several wheelchair-accessible shuttle routes free of charge to Campus community members.

    For more information and resources visit:

    For larger BPH student services related events, (New Student Orientation, etc.) connect with Che Abram, BPH Chief Diversity Officer, at and DREAM Office at for funding.

  • Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals

    Service Dogs and Emotional Support Animals both serve as supports for disabled people that help them live independently. They are governed by different laws, serve different roles, and what type of animal can fill each role is different.

    Service Animals

    • While the Animals on Campus policy and the ADA state that both dogs and miniature horses can be Service Animals, it is rare for the use of miniature horses as a Service Animal. So, for clarity the term Service Dog, is in contrast to Emotional Support Animal.
    • Service Dogs Might be used to help physically disabled people, people who are deaf/hard of hearing, blind/low vision, or have seizures, or to alert a person to the presence of allergens or provide non-violent protection.
    • The ADA protects Service Dogs which allows the person and service dog into all areas of the campus that their person goes to.
    • Service Dogs do not require or have documentation.

    Emotional Support Animals (ESA)

    • The ADA does not apply to or protect the right to bring emotional support animals into every place a Service Dog can go. The Fair Housing Act does protect the right to have them in housing. Other statutes protect the right to bring them into work and class.
    • If staff/faculty need to bring their ESA to work, they must have a doctor’s confirmation that it is a reasonable accommodation for them and approved by Disability Management.
    • If a student needs an ESA in a classroom as an accommodation, it should be included in their Letter of Accommodation and provided to faculty by the Disabled Students’ Program.
    • If someone needs to have an ESA live in campus housing they must have a doctor’s confirmation, which can be through CAPS, that it is a reasonable accommodation and approved by Housing.

    For additional information and trainings visit:

Inclusive Recruitment, Interviewing, and Hiring


  • Types of Reasonable Accommodations (and Limitations)

    While each request is assessed on an individual basis (and not every accommodation is reasonable in every circumstance), there are a many different types of accommodations, including but not limited to:

    • Ergonomic furniture or other equipment
    • Modifications to the work environment (lighting, acoustics, etc.)
    • Assistive software/technology
    • Modifications to how work is performed, procedures, or policies
    • Reassignment of marginal job functions
    • Travel-related needs
    • Parking and transportation
    • Leave of absence
    • Reassignment (in limited circumstances)

    Certain requests are generally outside the scope of what is reasonable and therefore, cannot be accommodated by the University. Those include, but are not limited to:

    • An indefinite leave of absence
    • Excusing performance of essential job functions
    • Purchase of personal care devices (wheelchairs, hearing aids, etc.)
    • A new supervisor
  • Staff Requesting Work Accommodation
    • Employees request an accommodation by informing a supervisor, submitting a request via Service Hub, or contacting Matthew Alvarez, ADA Specialist at
      • A request for accommodation can be made orally, in writing, or via ServiceHub at any time during the course of the individual’s employment. The employee does not need to use the word “accommodation”, disclose their medical diagnosis, refer to their condition as a disability, or mention the ADA or FEHA. Accommodation requests can be made by the individual needing the accommodation, their manager/supervisor, a human resources professional, and/or the ADA Specialist.
    • Supervisor requests documentation that the person has a disability that is creating limitations in their work and what the limitations are.
      • If submit a request through Service Hub or the ADA Specialist, the ADA Specialist will contact the employee within 5 business days and provide them with a detailed information packet with all the requirements to move forward with their case. Managers will also receive an information packet letting them know about their role in the Interactive Process.
    • Employee provides the information, usually from a medical professional.
    • Supervisor can grant the requested accommodation or deny it IF it would be an ‘undue hardship.”
    • Even if the request is denied, the supervisor must work with the employee to try and find an alternative accommodation.
    • If no accommodation can be found, the supervisor must work with Disability Management Services to see if the employee can be reassigned to another campus job.
    • If the employee does not want to be reassigned, then separation is appropriate.
  • Academic Appointee Requesting Work Accommodation

    The academic appointee has primary responsibility for starting the accommodation process and providing necessary documentation. Specific responsibilities include:

    • Starting the process by making a request for accommodation with the Chair or other unit head.
    • Providing information from a health care provider regarding limitations or restrictions to an appropriate campus office.
    • Providing the required documentation to the Chair.
    • Engaging with the Chair in good faith in exploring accommodation options.
  • Disability Leave

    Family & Medical Leave (FMLA) Act

    An employee is eligible for FML under FMLA/CFRA if the employee has at least 12 months of University employment (all prior University employment counts) and if they worked at least 1,250 actual hours during the 12 months prior to the requested leave.

    Staff employees who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement must exhaust all accrued vacation and sick days prior to taking an unpaid leave unless otherwise requested by the employee and approved by the department head, provided that the leave is not running concurrently with pregnancy disability or work-incurred illness or disability leave.

    To request a FMLA, submit a ticket with HR Service Now at

    For more information visit:

    Pregnancy Disability Leave

    The California Fair Employment and Housing Act provides up to four months (88 work days) leave during the time a woman is actually disabled and unable to perform her job due to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions.

    Upon the documented advice of her health care provider, a pregnant employee may request temporary reassignment to a less strenuous or hazardous position. If the employer can reasonably accommodate such a request, it must be granted.

    For more information visit:

Discrimination, Non-Discrimination and Grievance Procedures

Purchasing: Accessibility & the Procurement Process

Embrace Disability Resource Google Form

This content was compiled and the page was created by Jessica Ko.

Last update: December 6, 2024