Before assisting an individual with disabilities, ask if assistance is needed and how best to assist.
Designated Waiting Areas (DWAs) TBD
During an emergency evacuation, individuals requiring evacuation assistance should relocate to the Designated Waiting Area (DWA). DWA locations are shown on building evacuation floor plans posted near building elevators and most stairwells. Persons who cannot self-evacuate should follow the instructions on the DWA signage located at each DWA. The signage includes rescue information to report to first responders.
If a DWA cannot be reached, individuals requiring evacuation assistance should find a room with an exterior window and call 911.
Emergency Evacuation Chairs (If Available)
An emergency evacuation chair to assist in carrying a person requiring evacuation assistance up or down stairs is available in most buildings if multiple floors lack ground level access. They are often stored in marked gray cabinets. People who need mobility assistance may request a universal key to the cabinets. If a cabinet key is not available during emergency evacuation, the lock on the cabinet may be broken to access the evacuation chair inside.
Instructions on how to use the emergency evacuation chair are posted on the inside of the cabinet door. Only in life threatening situations should occupants carry in an individual in an evacuation chair. At all other times only trained emergency responders should carry someone.
Open folded chair (like opening a folded lawn chair).
Make sure that latches at the rear of the chair are secure.
Secure passenger in chair with seat belt.
If person with disability cannot control movement of limbs (e.g., arms, legs) then use straps to secure limbs to chair before moving person.
When a person is being carried either up or down stairs, make sure the person being carried is always facing up (not down) the stairs.
Once on the final level surface, set chair down and push chair out of building in a posture similar to pushing a wheelbarrow (the legs of the evacuation chair have wheels).
For additional support at Golden Bear on Emergency Evacuation Plans for People with disabilities, contact Facilities Manager Janis Honda at or call (510) 418-3691; or contact Facilities Specialist, Paul McCue at or call (415) 238-9253.
For a video demonstration of instructions, visit Evacuation Chair Instructions on Youtube.
For information on the full BPH Emergency Plan, visit BPH Emergency Preparedness.