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Undergraduate Resources

SPHUG Resources Sheet

The primary tool used by public health majors, minors, advisors, and peer advisors.

View the SPHUG Resources Sheet here.

Major Maps

Interested in Public Health as a major? Check out the Public Health Major Map! You can explore more major maps by going to the UC Berkeley My Major Map Website.

Stay Connected to the Public Health Community

Are you interested in making public health your major or minor? Subscribe to the Prospective student listserv ( to receive weekly Public Health Newsletters and one off announcements!

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Undergraduate Sample Plans

We are excited that you are interested in our sample plans! Sample plans are created by our UCB ASUC student Pre-health Senators and student Public Health Peer Advisors.

Please note that these are examples of what schedules could look like. They are meant to be a guide for planning purposes. Your academic schedule choices are just that, your own. We want to ensure you have the tools to make these planning decisions as simple as possible.

If you need help or would like to talk to someone about your four year plan, please reach out to either the public health academic advisors or peer advisors!

For additional information around Pre-Professional Graduate Programs or Pre-Health planning, see the following resources.

MCAH LEAP Training Program

The UCB Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health (MCAH) Leadership, Education, and Advancement in Undergraduate Pathways (LEAP) Training Program is designed to prepare diverse future leaders who are family-centered, culturally responsive, and successful in navigating interprofessional systems of care in the service of MCAH populations to reduce health inequities. The program seeks to provide academic and professional support for undergraduate students who identify with underrepresented groups, including but not limited to first-generation college students, historically marginalized sexual and/or gender orientation groups, formerly incarcerated, experiencing houselessness/unstable housing, and/or racial and ethnic groups underrepresented in the field.

UC Berkeley is one out of six universities that currently has a LEAP federal training grant funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB). During the academic year, LEAP program activities include outreach and engagement events, MCAH panels/film screenings, and MCAH academic advising open to all undergraduate students. Public Health undergraduate students interested in MCAH are eligible to join our Advanced LEAP Scholar two-year training curriculum.

For questions and/or more information, please visit our Linktree and/or send an email to