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Integrated Learning Experience

MPH and DrPH students complete an integrative learning experience (ILE) that demonstrates synthesis of foundational and concentration competencies. As part of the ILE, students produce a high-quality written product that is completed at or near the end of their program of study.

Each program determines the process for how competencies are selected and the assessment methods for faculty to review each student’s performance in the ILE and validate demonstration and synthesis of specific competencies.

  • DrPH

    Format: Dissertation

    Competencies Synthesized:

    The student, in consultation with their dissertation chairs and committee members, identifies four competencies: two DrPH foundational competencies and two DrPH concentration competencies.

  • Interdisciplinary MPH

    Residential/On-Campus MPH

    Format: Oral Presentation and Final Report

    Competencies Synthesized:

    MPH Foundational Competency

    • Interpret results of data analysis for public health research, policy or practice.

    Interdisciplinary MPH Concentration Competencies

    • Demonstrate methodological expertise for public health research in choosing appropriate study designs, in calculating and interpreting measures of health risks, disease and their associations.
    • Evaluate public health research, summarize current knowledge, interpret the implications for public health policies and programs, and make recommendations for improvement.

    Online/On-Campus MPH (OOMPH)

    Format: Comprehensive Exam

    Competencies Synthesized:

    Students demonstrate synthesis and integration of at least one foundational competency and at least one concentration competency through responses to long essay questions in the comprehensive exam. The concentration competencies are unique to the student’s concentration or program option: Interdisciplinary, Epidemiology/Biostatistics, Health Policy and Management, or Public Health Nutrition. Competencies and case study articles are provided in advance of the comprehensive exam.

  • MPH in Environmental Health Sciences

    Format: Thesis

    Competencies Synthesized:

    Students select and demonstrate at least three competencies in their ILE thesis, including one or more foundational public health competencies AND one or more competencies related to their concentration of study.

  • MPH in Epidemiology/Biostatistics

    Residential/On-Campus MPH

    Format: Master’s Paper

    Competencies Synthesized:

    MPH Foundational Competency

    • Interpret results of data analysis for public health research, policy or practice.

    Epidemiology/Biostatistics MPH Concentration Competencies

    • Demonstrate methodological expertise for epidemiological research in choosing appropriate study designs, in calculating and interpreting measures of disease and association, in identifying and addressing sources of bias in studies, in estimating and interpreting confounding and effect measure modification, and in applying causal frameworks to the assessment of causality in associations.
    • Implement methods of data management and cleaning for epidemiologic data sets, including using SAS and/or R.
    • Interpret study findings including critically identifying strengths and limitations of individual studies.

    Online/On-Campus MPH (OOMPH)

    Format: Comprehensive Exam

    Competencies Synthesized:

    Students demonstrate synthesis and integration of at least one foundational competency and at least one concentration competency through responses to long essay questions in the comprehensive exam. The concentration competencies are unique to the student’s concentration or program option: Interdisciplinary, Epidemiology/Biostatistics, Health Policy and Management, or Public Health Nutrition. Competencies and case study articles are provided in advance of the comprehensive exam.

  • MPH in Epidemiology

    Format: Master’s Paper

    Competencies Synthesized:

    MPH Foundational Competency

    • Interpret results of data analysis for public health research, policy or practice.

    Epidemiology MPH Concentration Competencies

    • Demonstrate methodological expertise for epidemiological research in choosing appropriate study designs, in calculating and interpreting measures of disease and association, in identifying and addressing sources of bias in studies, in estimating and interpreting confounding and effect measure modification, and in applying causal frameworks to the assessment of causality in associations.
    • Interpret study findings including critically identifying strengths and limitations of individual studies.
  • MPH in Global Health and Environment

    Format: Thesis

    Competencies Synthesized:

    Students select and demonstrate at least three competencies in their ILE thesis, including one or more foundational public health competencies AND one or more competencies related to their concentration of study.

  • MPH in Health and Social Behavior

    Format Options: Public Health Analysis, Quantitative Research Project, or Master’s Thesis

    Competencies Synthesized:

    MPH Foundational Competency

    • Interpret results of data analysis for public health research, policy or practice.

    HSB MPH Concentration Competencies

    • Apply critical social analysis to issues of race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality, economic status, colonialism and other important axes of difference and power as they impact health and public health practice.
    • Apply key social scientific approaches to understanding racism and developing anti-racist and intersectional approaches to public health.
  • MPH in Health Policy and Management

    Residential/On-Campus MPH

    Format: Capstone Project

    Competencies Synthesized:

    The student, working with their capstone seminar instructor and primary reader, selects at least 3 competency areas that their capstone project will fulfill. At least one of these competency areas will come from the MPH Foundational Competency list and at least one of the competency areas will come from the HPM Concentration Competency list.

    Online/On-Campus MPH (OOMPH)

    Format: Comprehensive Exam

    Competencies Synthesized:

    Students demonstrate synthesis and integration of at least one foundational competency and at least one concentration competency through responses to long essay questions in the comprehensive exam. The concentration competencies are unique to the student’s concentration or program option: Interdisciplinary, Epidemiology/Biostatistics, Health Policy and Management, or Public Health Nutrition. Competencies and case study articles are provided in advance of the comprehensive exam.

  • MPH in Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology

    Format: Comprehensive Paper

    Competencies Synthesized:

    MPH Foundational Competency

    • Analyze quantitative and qualitative data using biostatistics, informatics, computer-based programming, and software, as appropriate.

    IDV MPH Concentration Competencies

    • Apply the following frameworks of principles of infectious disease to describe each infectious disease: microbiology, epidemiology, clinical spectrum, immunology, pathogenesis, treatment, and prevention.
    • Discuss how infectious diseases impact public health problems.
  • MPH in Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health

    Format: Capstone Research Project

    Competencies Synthesized:

    MPH Foundational Competency

    • Interpret results of data analysis for public health research, policy or practice.

    MCAH MPH Concentration Competencies

    • Discuss a problem facing MCAH populations with an evidence-based rationale for why it is a topic of importance.
    • Interpret results of epidemiologic studies of maternal and child health problems and synthesize published epidemiological literature in order to summarize current knowledge and make recommendations to improve maternal and child health.
    • Apply basic principles of quantitative research and epidemiology for understanding and addressing MCH problems.
  • MPH in Public Health Nutrition

    Residential/On-Campus MPH

    Format: ILE Paper

    Competencies Synthesized:

    MPH Foundational Competencies

    • Analyze quantitative and qualitative data using biostatistics, informatics, computer-based programming and software, as appropriate.
    • Interpret results of data analysis for public health research, policy or practice.

    PHN Concentration Competency

    • Evaluate nutrition research and interpret the implications for public health policies and programs.

    Online/On-Campus MPH (OOMPH)

    Format: Comprehensive Exam

    Competencies Synthesized:

    Students demonstrate synthesis and integration of at least one foundational competency and at least one concentration competency through responses to long essay questions in the comprehensive exam. The concentration competencies are unique to the student’s concentration or program option: Interdisciplinary, Epidemiology/Biostatistics, Health Policy and Management, or Public Health Nutrition. Competencies and case study articles are provided in advance of the comprehensive exam.