Please see the sections below for information about room reservations. Information on additional campus event facilities can be found on the Berkeley Events website.
Facilities and IT Resources
Reserving rooms in Berkeley Way West
Please note:
Only current tenants of Berkeley Way West are permitted to reserve event space, classroom or conference room spaces in the building.
As Berkeley Way West is a State Funded building, it falls under Title 5. Hosting an event in this specific building requires hiring the UCPD Security Patrol Office and/or Custodial that other buildings on campus may not.
Conference Rooms
Room number Capacity Setup Phone Number Additional Information Caravan
5101 BWW
Calendar26 Screen and projector, computer, audio conferencing (510) 642-1948 Microphone and speaker in ceiling; computer in credenza Bayer
5310 BWW
Calendar16 Screen and projector, computer, audio conferencing (510) 642-1983 Speaker in ceiling; computer in credenza Centene Board Room
5400 BWW
Calendar22 Screen and projector, computer, audio conferencing (510) 642-1974 Speaker in ceiling; computer in credenza Eustace-Kwan
5401 BWW
Calendar22 Screen and projector, audio conferencing N/A Speaker in ceiling Shortell
5420 BWW
Calendar16 Screen and projector, audio conferencing N/A Speaker in ceiling Schaeffer
5422 BWW
Calendar16 Screen and projector, computer, audio conferencing (510) 642-2075 Speaker in ceiling; computer in credenza Froland
5434 BWW
Calendar16 Screen and projector, audio conferencing N/A Speaker in ceiling 5th floor conference rooms #5310-Bayer, #5420-Shortell, #5422-Schaeffer, and #5434-Froland are available to self-book in bCal.
- To add a room to a meeting, search by “BWW” on the “Rooms” tab (next to “Guests”) to view/select an available room.
- To add the rooms to your saved calendars, click the + “Add other calendars” (next to “other calendars”), then “Browse resources,” then scroll down to “BWW” to select the rooms you’d like.
#5101 (Caravan), #5400 (Centene Board Room), and #5401 (Eustace-Kwan) can be requested via this reservation form.
These spaces are for meetings and events; they are not for instructional purposes or office hours (see the Classrooms and Seminar Rooms section of this page). #5101 (Caravan) and #5400 (Centene Board Room) are accessible without 5th floor keycard access.
Questions? Contact
Classrooms and Seminar Rooms (1st Floor)
These spaces can only be reserved after the 2nd week of instruction of each semester and cannot be booked beyond the current academic term.
Contact for availability and to request a reservation.
Colloquia Rooms (1st Floor)
Each room has a capacity of 75. Combined capacity is 150. No catering permitted.
These spaces can only be reserved after the 2nd week of instruction of each semester and cannot be booked beyond the current academic term. Contact to request a reservation.
Lobby / Atrium and Outdoor Plaza (1st Floor)
Contact for information and to request a reservation. Please put “Reservation Request” and the event date in the subject line.
Terrace Garden (5th Floor)
Daytime use of the Terrace Garden (9 am–5 pm) can be requested via this reservation form. Maximum capacity is 99, but you can reserve one half the terrace garden for smaller gatherings. Daytime reservations are not private events as the terrace will remain open for the BPH community to take breaks.
Evening use of Terrace Garden: To reserve the Terrace Garden outside of business hours (any event starting 5 pm or later), please fill out this reservation form. Maximum capacity is 99.
Patricia A. Buffler Emeriti Lounge (5th Floor)
Please contact Alicia Slater, Senior Events Manager, at with your reservation request. Please include details such as your department, event host contact information, DAC accessibility coordinator contact information, name of the event, requested event date, time, and anticipated guest count. Please be sure to include your setup and breakdown/clean up time in the reservation timing.
For events or set up in the Patricia A. Buffler Emeriti Lounge on a weekday beginning before 5 pm, the Event Host is responsible to notify the staff members occupying the neighboring offices of potential work distractions at least (5) days prior to the event date.
These staff members are as follows:
- Mark Van Der Laan –
- Alan Hubbard –
- Laura Balzer –
- Maya Petersen –
- Andrea Natividad –
- Teresa Liu –
- Liz Gardner –
Best practices for room reservations
Reservations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Please make all requests at least two weeks prior to your desired meeting time. Book your start time thoughtfully, as a reserved but empty conference room is considered available for others 10 minutes after the reservation start time.
If you no longer need your reservation, please email or (depending on which space you have reserved) to cancel. Include “Cancellation” in the subject line and the room, date, and time of your meeting in the message.
Please note that events taking place in Berkeley Way West with 25 guests or more that involve catering or other food service, require Berkeley Facility Services for cleaning and waste management. This is mandatory seven days a week, for daytime (8 a.m. to 6 p.m.) and evening events (after 6 p.m.).
These services must be ordered by the Event Host and recharged directly to the organizer’s chartstring with at least five business days notice to ensure processing/staff availability. The current rate for this service is $91/per hour, with a four hour minimum requirement. The four hour labor minimum is required regardless of how many hours the event actually takes place and will be charged accordingly if the event and clean up exceeds four hours.
To make your request, please complete the FS – Service Request google submission form. Please include the Building Facilities Manager, Yolanda D. Dawan at as the “Additional Contact Name and Email” on the form. Once you have received the approved work order email from Facility Services, please be sure to email it to no later than three working days prior to the event.
Please note that it typically requires ten days for services to be confirmed by both Facilities Services and then Property Management.
Please note that events taking place in Berkeley Way West anytime on a weekend or outside of normal building hours on Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m., will require a UCPD Security Patrol Officer (SPO) to be present.
These services must be ordered by the Event Host and recharged directly to the organizer’s chartstring no later than five working days prior to the event date. The current rate for this service is $98/per hour, with a four hour minimum requirement (regardless if event is less than four hours).
If you are serving alcohol at your event, please note that a UCPD Security Patrol Officer (SPO) must be present during all hours of alcoholic beverage service. This is mandatory seven days a week, for daytime and evening events regardless of the guest count. If your event is taking place during normal business hours, no additional SPO is required as the University provides one from 8am to 6pm, Monday through Friday.
To make your request, please email and cc: no later than three working days prior to the event with the information provided below:
Email Subject Line: SPO EVENT REQUEST – BWW
Please include in the body of the email the following details:
We would like to request an SPO for the following event:
- Event Name: SPH Graduation Celebration
- Number of People: 75–100
- Event Date: Saturday, April 6, 2024
- Event Time: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
- Location: 2121 Berkeley Way West Lobby, Plaza, Colloquia Rooms 1102 & 1104
- Onsite Contact Name & Cell Number: Jane Doe at (510) 555-1111
- Chartstring: 1234-11223344-EA
Please include if alcohol will be served and if an Alcohol Permit Request Form has been requested.
Reservation Timing
Reservation start time should include 30 mins to 1 hour for pre-event set up and reservation end time should include 30 mins to 1 hour for cleanup. The reserving party is responsible for cleanup. See below for details.
A/V Support for Events
Technical support staff is not provided. You may bring your own equipment or contact Berkeley AV to contract audio/visual support for a fee.
Terrace After-Hours Access
Please note, there is a key check-out process for after-hours events. The event’s faculty or staff host is responsible to contact at least 2 days prior to the date of the confirmed event to arrange key check out.
Food and Beverage
Host/organizer is responsible to follow current campus guidelines for in-person events.
As a host/organizer, you are responsible for complying with Article 5 – Regents Policy 5402 and SB820 for contracting covered services including catering.
It is important to know the maximum meal expenses when planning catering for your event.
Host/organizer must follow proof of vaccination protocol when applicable and when serving food or beverage indoors. However, guests may eat and drink freely on the terrace without masks or proof of vaccination.
Current Catering Rules
Currently, Berkeley Catering or I-House Catering are the only approved caterers for events where food preparation and/or services (such as pouring wine, serving or preparing plates for guests, set-up, or clean-up after the event) are provided by catering staff.
Delivery is an Option
You may have prepared food, drinks, plates, cups, etc., dropped off by outside caterers, restaurants, or delivery services. In this case, campus organizers are in charge of setting up the food, serving it, and cleaning it up after the event. Food must be prepared offsite.
Getting a Catering Exemption
If you feel like your event would benefit from full-service catering, you should start the process at least 5–6 weeks in advance.
- Contact Berkeley Catering or I-House Catering to see if they are available to cater your event. If they are, you’re set! Both services are understaffed currently, though, so it’s likely they will not be able to cater. If they cannot:
- You may ask for a catering exemption to use outside catering by contacting Procurement Analyst, Kathryn Wight, at at least four weeks prior to your event.
- If your exemption is approved, you may contract out for full catering services, including setup, serving, and cleanup.
Alcoholic Beverages
Alcoholic beverages require an Alcohol Permit from UCPD. Notify UCPD as soon as reasonably practicable, but no less than seven (7) days in advance. Notification to UCPD does not guarantee that alcohol service will be approved.
To notify UCPD, an Alcohol Permit Request Form must be fully completed and signed by:
- “Department Approver:” Faculty/Staff/Academic Sponsor or Host authorizing the event.
- “Onsite UC Employee:” Person responsible to be onsite during the event to ensure no one under 21 years of age is served alcohol.
- “Facility Approver:” The BWW building manager, Yolanda D. Dawan (
Trash/Clean up
Events taking place in Berkeley Way West with 25 guests or more serving food and beverage are responsible for contracting custodial services from Facility Services at their own cost. This is to be scheduled by the Event Host and mandatory seven days a week, for daytime and evening events. The Event Host’s department will be charged for these services by the Building Management if not arranged ahead of time. The current rate for this service is $86/per hour, with a 4 hour minimum requirement. The 4 hour labor minimum is required regardless of how many hours the event actually takes place and will be charged accordingly if the event and clean up exceeds 4 hours.
If your event is under 25 guests, then the Event Host is responsible for removing all trash from their reserved spaces at the end of the event. No overflowing garbage bins.
Hosts are responsible for the condition of the terrace after use and responsible to return the terrace furniture to its original configuration.
Please remove all posted signage (building walls, elevators, doorways) related to your event directly after your event ends.
Please do not leave catering supplies, event equipment, recycling, or trash in any office spaces on the 5th floor.
As Berkeley Way West is a State Funded building, it falls under Title 5. Hosting an event in this specific building requires hiring the UCPD Security Patrol Office and/or Custodial that other buildings on campus may not.
For events or set up beginning before 5pm, the event host/coordinator is responsible to notify Dean’s Suite staff of potential work distractions by email at at least four (4) days prior to inform of the timing of the event.
ADA Access
Please refer to BPH Best Practices for Creating Accessible Events for information on how to create and promote accessible events at Berkeley Public Health.
Event host/organizer is responsible to provide an accessibility statement and accessibility coordinator contact for their event and to respond to any requests for participation in their event. For guidance and resources, please see UC Berkeley’s Disability Access & Compliance website.
Sample accessibility statement:
“If you require an accommodation for effective communication (ASL interpreting/CART captioning, alternative media formats, etc.) or information about campus mobility access features in order to fully participate in this event, please contact [name of AC] at [contact information phone number and email] with as much advance notice as possible and at least 7–10 days in advance of the event.”
Events taking place in Berkeley Way West on a weekend or outside of normal building hours of 8am–6pm Monday through Friday, will require the Event Host to contract a UCPD Security Patrol Officer (SPO) to be present. If your event is on a weekday, the SPO is only required onsite starting at 6pm. This is mandatory and the Event Host’s department will be charged for these services by the Building Management if not arranged ahead of time. The current rate for this service is $98/per hour, with a 4 hour minimum requirement. The 4 hour labor minimum is required regardless of how many hours the event actually takes place and will be charged accordingly if required for more than 4 hours. An approved Police Services Request form must be uploaded to your reservation or emailed to the Facility Manager (Jeanette Thompson – no later than five working days prior to the event date.
*If you are serving alcohol at your event, please note that Berkeley Way West requires the Event Host to contract a UCPD Security Patrol Officer (SPO) to be present during all hours of alcoholic beverage service. This is mandatory seven days a week, for daytime and evening events regardless of the guest count.
As Berkeley Way West is a State Funded building, it falls under Title 5. Hosting an event in this specific building requires hiring the UCPD Security Patrol Office and/or Custodial that other buildings on campus may not.
Cancellation Policy
Please notify either (after-hours/large events) or (daytime events on 5th floor), at least 24 hours in advance of your reservation start time if you need to cancel your reservation. Include “Cancellation” in the subject line and the room, date, and time of your meeting in the message.
- Forms and Resources
Publicizing Your Event
Please refer to BPH Best Practices for Creating Accessible Events for information on how to create and promote accessible events at Berkeley Public Health.
Berkeley Public Health’s events calendar is a part of the UC Berkeley Calendar Network. UC Berkeley community members with a CalNet ID may submit an event to the campus-wide UC Berkeley Events Calendar and share the information with Berkeley Public Health (as well as other appropriate departments or groups) for possible inclusion in these targeted calendars.
Please submit any events that are aimed at existing and potential students, campus, and/or the general public—any that you are requiring sign up through a form—through this calendar (“submit an event” button on the right), so that they can be added to our events calendar.
Also, the UC Berkeley campus requires an accessibility coordinator for every event put on by any campus units whether internal or external facing. Please note the language below which should be included in any promotional materials for your event. Below that, see what the role of an accessibility coordinator is. Please read more about event accessibility requirements here.
If you have any questions please email Diana Stasko –
Requirement: Promotional Materials
All promotional materials across all formats (print, web, email, carrier pigeon, etc.) should include an accessibility statement. Here’s a sample accessibility statement for use in your event promotional materials:
“If you require an accommodation for effective communication (ASL interpreting/CART captioning, alternative media formats, etc.) or information about campus mobility access features in order to fully participate in this event, please contact [name of Accessibility Coordinator] at [contact information: phone number and email] with as much advance notice as possible and at least 7-10 days in advance of the event.”
Requirement: Designate an Access Coordinator (AC) for Your Event
In order to make sure that all access requests are addressed in a timely manner and that those requests are met to the best of our ability, one person should be designated the Access Coordinator for every event.
Characteristics of an Effective Access Coordinator:
- The AC needs access to the complete set of event details and logistics.
- The AC must have the capacity to receive requests and respond promptly.
- The AC must have authority to modify the language on promotional materials and advertisements.
- The AC needs reasonable authority to approve an accommodation if it leads to an additional expense for the event.
Working in Berkeley Way West
The Berkeley Way West building bridges the campus and community, physically representing our shared mission to work together to support health, development, and education.
Access and security
Keycard access for Masters and Doctoral students
If you have a new ID card, complete the UC Berkeley CardKey Application. The form will be routed to your Program Manager for review and approval. Once approved, it will be sent to UCPD for processing. Please allow 4–5 business days for building access.
Master students including GSIs will receive access to the Berkeley Way West building, bike room, 5th floor lobby area, and graduate student lounge 24/7, and to the secured areas of the 5th Monday through Friday, 8am–6pm.
Doctoral students and GSRs will receive access to the Berkeley Way West building, bike room, graduate student lounge and 5th and 6th Floors. Access is granted for 24 hours a day seven days a week.
Keycard access for faculty and staff
If you have a new ID card, complete the UCPD Cardkey Application. In the “Access” fields, specify: 1st floor classrooms; 2nd floor Student Services; 2nd floor Student Lounge; 5th floor BPH; and/or 6th floor BPH.
Keycard access issues
If your keycard access has stopped working email Include: your full name; employee ID number or student ID number; the entire number on the back of your card; your phone number; your supervisor’s name, contact email, and phone number; and specify locations to be accessed.
Building security
Try to wear (or carry) your Cal ID at all times. This helps others know who you are and recognize that you are a UC Berkeley employee. It will also make it easier for you to travel through keycard-secured areas.
Be aware of letting people in behind you; ask to see their Cal ID, if it’s not someone whom you recognize. Keycard-secured doors should not be propped open. Make sure to lock up your belongings when leaving the building, including sensitive documents and laptops.
A Security Patrol Officer (SPO) is stationed on the 1st floor of the building. Should you be in need of assistance, call the UCPD non-emergency line at (510) 642-6760, or if it is an emergency and you are on campus, you can dial the UCPD emergency number from your cell phone at (510) 642-3333 and the SPO and/or a UCPD officer will be dispatched to your location. In the event of an emergency, do not delay in calling 911 from a campus landline phone.
A/V and video conferencing instructions
How to set up a Meeting Owl Pro device
The Dean’s Office has two OWLs which can be reserved via this reservation form. These OWLs are intended for use only at BWW during business hours.
- Connect your computer to the projector or screen
- Start your Zoom
- Set up Owl – everything is plug and play
- Connect power supply (located underneath the Owl). The Owl Pro will automatically turn on and “hoot”
- Connect USB from Owl to your computer (located underneath the Owl). Zoom will automatically detect the Owl’s camera and microphone
- Choose the Owl’s microphone in your Zoom settings
- Click on the “Mute” button – a microphone and speaker menu will appear
- Select “Meeting Owl Pro” for your microphone
- Select “Crestron 420 (Crestron 420)” for your speaker
- Choose the Owl’s camera in your Zoom setting
- Click on the “Stop Video” button – a camera menu will appear
- Select “Meeting Owl Pro” for your camera
If successful, you will see “OWLLabs Meeting Owl Pro” appear on your screen.
Different A/V capacity in conference, huddle and classrooms
Standard video-conferencing: All conference rooms, huddle rooms, colloquia rooms and classrooms have A/V screens and the ability to connect via HDMI or wireless (using Eduroam). All of these rooms have sound panels embedded in the video screens or overhead so that any audio (e.g. individuals participating in a Zoom, Skype, etc.) can be heard through those speakers. Volume can be controlled through either the table top Crestron screen (if present) or the TV remote (not the volume bar on your computer). If you are using the A/V for a video conference call, the computer controlling the presentation is the microphone source.
Enhanced video-conferencing: The more recent investment provides more advanced two-way video and audio in two conference rooms, 5101 and 5420 and one classroom, 1205. In these rooms there is a wide-angle camera that allows individuals on the other end of the meeting/class to see participants, and there are either drop down microphones from the ceiling (5101 and 1205) or microphones in the sound panel on the screen (5420) to capture volume of participants in the meeting.
- Instructions for these room 5101 can be downloaded here
- Instructions for these classroom 1205 can be downloaded here
- Instructions for these room 5420 can be downloaded here
As you will see, the technology for conference room 5420 is slightly different and requires the USB cord to be plugged in as well. There are two steps: 1) Connect your computer via HDMI or wireless AirMedia on AirBears2 (wireless is best for Macs). For 5420, also plug in the USB connection. 2) Then, select Creston soundbar under your audio. Please note that once #2 is completed, your computer will default in the future when you plug in. As mentioned above, use the Creston app or table-top screen to control volume (not your computer’s normal volume control).
Other A/V information
Lapel microphones are available in the following BWW rooms: 1102, 1104, 1203, 1205, 1215, 1217, and 5101. Lapels are stored in the podium or computer kiosk in the room in a plastic bag. Please return the lapels and ensure they are turned off so as not to drain the batteries.
If you need assistance with A/V, please reach out to your Division Manager, the building manager Jeanette G. Thompson, the BPH Operations Coordinator, or Paul McCue. We highly encourage you to test your equipment beforehand so that there is time to provide assistance.
Please note that this A/V software does not – unfortunately – communicate as well with Mac computers. If you are having trouble with your Mac, please ask for assistance or, if you’re in a pinch and someone else in the meeting has a PC, you may have better luck with the PC.
When booking conference rooms, if you do not require enhanced videoconferencing, please consider booking a different room so that those who need this technology can use it. If you need scheduling assistance for a meeting that requires enhanced videoconferencing and the rooms are already booked, please work with the front-desk by emailing
Building etiquette
Workstation areas are considered quiet areas. Voices should be kept to a lower volume. Be aware of your surroundings and respect your colleagues. Be mindful of loud discussions, noise, and cell phone conversations in common areas. Consider relocating to a focus room, huddle room, or available office for lengthy conversations.
Huddle/focus/conference rooms with frosted windows are designed for sensitive meetings/student consultation/Q&E. If you do not require a frosted room, please consider using a different space to ensure these rooms are available to those who need them specifically for that purpose.
Avoid using speakerphone at your workstation. Develop a softer telephone voice and adjust your ring loudness. Set your cell phone to vibrate, instead of ring.
Scents: Please refrain from using perfume, cologne, other scented products, or having strongly scented flowers. Remember that your colleagues might have allergies!
If you choose to eat at your desk, please be mindful of aromatic foods. Make sure to use the compost and recycle bins in the kitchen area. Your desk-side container is not serviced daily.
Focus and huddle rooms can be used for collaborative, private, and heads-down focused work; they are unscheduled spaces. Once finished, leave the door open and the lights off so others know they can use the room. Be respectful of others who may need to utilize these spaces; do not “camp out.”
Cancel conference room reservations, if not needed; a reserved but empty conference room is considered available 10 minutes after the reservation start time.
Kitchen etiquette is very important in a shared environment. Make sure to clean up after yourself (do your own dishes) and respect other people’s belongings and food. Dispose of your expired items in a timely fashion. All food/drinks placed in the refrigerator should have the initials of the owner and a date, so that periodic clean-up is easy.
In general, be a responsible member of our community and clean up after yourself in all spaces.
Try to wear (or carry) your Cal ID at all times. This helps others know who you are and recognize that you are a UC Berkeley employee or student. It will also make it easier for you to travel through keycard-secured areas and to access your print jobs.
Be aware of letting people in behind you; ask to see their Cal ID, if it not someone whom you recognize. Keycard-secured doors should not be propped open.
Make sure to lock up your belongings when leaving the building, including sensitive documents and laptops.
Fire code prohibits the use of personal space heaters, refrigerators, coffee machines, microwaves, etc. These types of items are not allowed at workstations or in offices.
Berkeley Way West is a zero waste building; make sure to recycle and compost!
Building features
Bike storage and showers: The bike entrance to the 1st floor secured parking area is from Hearst Avenue (keycard access required); there are five showers available within.
Lactation rooms: Lactation rooms are located on the 5th, 4th, and 3rd floors. To request access to the 5th floor room, contact BPH Operations Coordinator at
Restrooms: The 2nd and 5th floors have a mix of gender specific and single-user bathrooms. The 1st floor also has two large gender inclusive bathrooms, as well as a single-user bathroom.
Water filtration station: Each floor is equipped with a filtered water bottle filling station near each restroom. Please help us keep plastic bottles out of the waste stream.
Restaurants: The building has one restaurant on the ground level, Marugame Udon.
We are delighted to have new height-adjustable workstations. Using a height adjustable workstation allows for safe working postures in both sitting and standing positions. These workstations promote postural changes throughout the work day and have positive ergonomic and health benefits.
On-demand ergonomic training is available online under, “Computer Health Matters Online Training” on the University Health Services website. If after taking the training, you need an ergonomic evaluation or consultation, contact Paul McCue in BPH Facilities. You are also encouraged to review all of the resources for ergonomics.
The BPH Facilities team (Janis Honda and Paul McCue) oversees general facilities needs for Berkeley Way West, including:
- Ricoh printers/copiers/scanners (extra paper is stored in the 5th floor mailroom #5302)
- Audiovisual equipment on BWW 5th floor
- Keys and building access
- Phone lines and phone equipment
- Furniture changes/needs
- Space planning
Contact BPH Facilities at or call (510) 643-0987.
Berkeley Way West Building Manager Jeanette Thompson oversees facilities issues with the building itself, including:
- Climate control
- Custodial/janitorial needs
- Elevator problems
- Light fixtures/bulb burnout; fuses
- Locked out of office/other spaces, if you cannot reach division/unit manager
- Plumbing issues – leaks, clogs
- Power outages
- Building evacuation and building emergency plan
Building-related issues and requests are submitted via a system called Angus, to which several people have access. If there is a need in your area, please reach out to one of the following people: the Operations Coordinator, any Division Manager, or Svetlana Battle.
The janitorial crew vacuums the common areas on a weekly basis; vacuuming of offices is currently by request. Please note the custodial staff does not have key access to offices. Set up your request with Jeanette Thompson to find an appropriate time. Trash/recycling bins need to be placed outside of locked offices, if they are to be emptied.
Glossary of terms
Neighborhood: quadrant of workstations, offices, rooms, and spaces, organized by academic division or functional team.
Workstation: your personal, assigned work space.
Office: assigned work space for 1–2 occupants; available to others when not in use for a prolonged period (at the discretion of the occupant).
Focus room: unscheduled room that accommodates 1–2 people for focused work.
Huddle room: unscheduled room that accommodates 4–6 people for focused work.
Conference room: reservable meeting room (various sizes available).
Touchdown space: unassigned workstation for part-time employees, visitors, etc. as needed.
Casual seating: booths, counters, armchairs, etc. throughout the floors for informal gathering, quiet work, rest periods, eating, etc.
Print area: shared print/copy/scan area, where multifunction devices are available for use.
Mail services
Our mailing address is:
Berkeley Way West
2121 Berkeley Way, Room 5302
Berkeley, CA 94720-7360Mail Services delivers/pick-ups BPH mail to/from the 5th floor mailroom – Room 5302 (across from the kitchen) – on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Berkeley Way West’s mail code is 7360. Make sure to update your campus directory listing, as well as your electronic signature block, letterhead, etc.
Packages are delivered to the first floor and transferred daily to the fifth floor mail room. Always include “room 5302” or “5th floor” in the mailing address to ensure the package is correctly routed to you. If you need assistance locating a delivery, please contact the front desk.
The UC Berkeley School of Public Health is located at 2121 Berkeley Way West, in between Shattuck Avenue and Oxford Street in downtown Berkeley. There are multiple parking options available, so please refer to the document below for more information.
Berkeley Way West Parking Instructions (.pdf)
Please visit the Parking & Transportation website for extensive information, including how to purchase parking permits.
Signage & flyering
To request a nameplate for a cubicle or office in BWW, please use the Employee Nameplate Request form.
We have an ongoing commitment to keep BWW a place for all to feel welcome and safe, therefore, our building management team has provided a list of locations where flyers, pamphlets, leaflets, etc. may be posted:
- In open spaces on the 1st and 2nd floors: Flyers may be posted to the concrete pillars (only one of each flyer per pillar face) and to designated cork boards (only one of each flyer per cork board), must be attached with painters/masking tape or push pins, cannot cover other fliers, and must be removed when they expire.
- 5th floor: Similar to the 1st & 2nd floors, flyers may be posted to the concrete pillars (only one of each flier per pillar face) and to designated cork boards (only one of each flier per cork board), must be attached with painters/masking tape or push pins, cannot cover other fliers, and must be removed when they expire. Community members may post fliers on the cork board in the kitchen, but the cork board in the mail room is exclusively for mandatory HR-related notices. Our floor also has a handful of wall-mounted acrylic sign holders (near the refill stations and elevators), in which the Front Desk Team can post flyers.
- Flyers, etc. cannot be randomly spread throughout the building. Given that BWW is a mixed tenant (private and UC) off-campus building, we attempt to keep messaging to neutral topics or those that have potential benefit for all occupants directly.
- Flyers, etc. should not be spread throughout the locked (keycard) areas of any UC floor, without permission from the school on the floor.
- No postings are allowed in the elevators or the stairwells.
Supplies and e-waste
In addition to incoming/outgoing mail, the 5th floor mailroom – Room 5302 (across from the kitchen) – includes:
- Reusable office supplies (feel free to take and to give!)
- Copy paper, in varying sizes
- E-waste collection site
- Toner and battery recycling
Telephone instructions
To call within the University, only the last 5 digits are needed. When calling outside, dial “91” first.
Many of the huddle rooms and focus rooms are equipped with telephones. Huddle and focus room locations and phone numbers are listed here.
Reporting Facilities Issues
Please use the form linked below to report needed repairs or issues with SPH facilities:
Emergency Preparedness
Emergency preparedness has been combined and moved to a dedicated page on the BPH website. Refer to the new page for information on Building Emergency Plans (BEPs), Run-Hide-Fight training, and more.
Docusign is a cloud-hosted eSignature service at UC Berkeley that enables departmental users—including faculty and staff—to reap the time and cost-saving benefits of using electronic signatures. Users benefit from faster turnaround time using DocuSign’s electronic workflow and streamlined business process. It replaces emailing a PDF to download and sign, or using hand delivered paper to collect “wet signatures”.
This service is approved by campus and the state of California to process legally binding signatures. Check out the UC Berkeley e-Signatures FAQ page here.
How do I get started? (account registration)
Eligible BPH academics, faculty, staff, and affiliates can request a user account under the Berkeley Public Health departmental account by submitting an account request here: Berkeley Public Health – Requesting DocuSign User Access.
Requests are typically responded to within 1–2 business days.
What can I use DocuSign for?
Higher education offers a rich collection of valuable use cases for DocuSign. Below is a list of some possibilities. If you are interested in learning more or speaking with someone who’s already implemented one, please reach out to
Where can I get training?
Training Resources Provided by DocuSign
DocuSign has excellent support and training materials that are expanded updated regularly. Bookmark these to refer back to them regularly.
- DocuSign User Training
Beginning for all DocuSign Users, including Department Administrators - Getting Started as a User
Basic guide covering most Department User activities - How to Create a Template
- Take an instructor led class on Templates from DocuSign
- How to Create a PowerForm
- How to Create a WebForm
Training Resources Provided by UC Berkeley
- Introductory DocuSign training for all users
Optional Slideshow - A recorded training session from Sprint 2021
Includes a 35 minute walk through video, this is extremely useful! - Additional DocuSign training and accessibility Information
- DocuSign User Training
Where can I get technical support?
Technical support is available by submitting a ticket to
IT forms and processes
If you need IT assistance, the fastest way to get service is to use the “Request IT Help” link on the ITCS website to open a service ticket. Alternatively, you can send an email to: for help.