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Researcher Resources

This page includes resources to assist with the proposal-development and grant-writing process along with important campus forms and links for researchers.

ProS Region Research Administration

The Professional Schools Region (ProS) helps UC Berkeley Faculty and Principal Investigators (PIs) focus on their groundbreaking and world-class research efforts by providing customized administrative and management support for research proposals, grants, awards, and contracts throughout various steps in the life cycle. This is where you can find the Proposal Submission Request form.

Tue$day Top Tip$ for BPH research

Tue$day Top Tip$ includes a summary of current federal, state, UC-specific, and foundation funding opportunities relevant to BPH faculty and researchers as well as announcements about current research administration topics of interest.

Grant writing resources for BPH PIs

These curated resources are intended to assist PIs in the proposal development process and include grant writing workshop recordings and materials, a list of NIH funded grants awarded to BPH PIs from 2010–2020, and information about peer review processes available to BPH faculty and researchers.

  • Writing resources for faculty and researchers.
  • Grant writing workshop materials/recordings including list of NIH funded grants over past 10 years.
  • Specific aims review: BPH has a process for PIs to request specific aims review by other BPH faculty. The process document can be found here.
  • Internal Peer Review for Grant Proposals: The BPH Internal Grant Peer Review process provides our PIs an important opportunity for feedback ahead of grant proposal submission regarding improvements or new approaches that could strengthen the proposal. The goals are to assure that proposals are of high quality, and to increase the chances of funding success. See guidelines for information on how to take advantage of this resource.
  • External grant review: BPH has a process PIs to request external review of grants. The process document can be found here.
  • Grants repository: To assist junior faculty who are writing their first grant proposals, we have developed a grants repository which has copies of funded proposals (R01, R21, R34, P01, DP2, RWJF).  If you would like to provide us with new examples of funded projects or would like access to the repository, contact Lauren Goldstein at (access by request only).
  • Budget guidance: There are specific resources listed below that can help PIs put together their budgets for grant proposals. In addition, your pre-award research administrator can help answer budgetary questions.
  • Grant deadline master calendar: This is a master calendar with common, recurring grant and award deadlines for federal and foundation sponsors. This is a useful resource for BPH faculty, researchers, and students.

Recent BPH research updates

Indirect Cost Return Program

To support our faculty and academics who rely on external sources for salary support, this program will provide eligible PIs with funds calculated based on the amount of external funding spent in the fiscal year. Specifically, PIs will receive an amount equivalent to 5% of the indirect costs spent from their contracts and grants funding in a given fiscal year as discretionary funds. Subject to availability of funds. Guidelines for the program are available here.

Emergency Bridge Funding for Research

We are pleased to announce the launch of an Emergency Bridge Funding program for BPH PIs. This includes two forms of bridge funding: a bridge funding loan (open to PIs who are Adjunct, Clinical X, HS Clinical, Ladder-Rank, PIR, and PIs with Continuing Exceptional PI status) and standard bridge funding (open to PIs who rely on grant or other outside funding to support their academic year salary; specifically Adjunct, Clinical X, HS Clinical, PIR faculty, and PIs with Continuing Exceptional PI status). Subject to availability of funds. Emergency Bridge Funding details are available here.

Financial Documents and Guidance

Deficit spending guidance 2022–2023 — This document provides guidance on how to request deficit spending exceptions on your research contracts and grants and how to work with your RA and BPH finance team. View the BPH Research Deficit Guidance document.

Facilities and Administration (F&A)/indirect costs (or overhead) represent project expenses that cannot be easily identified with any specific sponsored project but are incurred for common or joint objectives related to all sponsored projects at UC Berkeley. Find out more about Facilities and Administrative (Indirect Cost) Rates here.

Federal funding updates

Lewis-Burke, Inc., is a Washington, DC, firm that provides the UC Berkeley campus regular updates about the federal funding landscape and other important congressional updates as they relate to university research. These frequent updates can be found in this shared Google folder.

In addition, The NIH Extramural Blog— which covers NIH funding updates and information about changes in policies—and other information can be found on the NIH website.

Proposal Development Quick Guide for BPH faculty and PIs

Proposal Development Process from Beginning to End: Quick Guide to Campus Research Administration Resources” is a quick guide to the grant process at BPH from start to finish including important campus links, forms, and tips.

Research news intake form

Do you have research news to share?

If you have a new funding source, a new publication, or other research news to share widely, please complete BPH’s research news intake form and the communications team will be in touch with you to disseminate the information on the website, in our bi-monthly newsletter, and/or on social media. The communications team can also reach out to UC Berkeley Public Affairs if dissemination is more suited to their outlets.